The Ultimate Paul Krugman Take-Down

If you simply detest Mr. Krugman as much as I do, click here to see the videoJuicy part:

During a debate on Europe’s crisis, Pedro Schwartz (a mild-mannered Spanish ‘Austrian’ economics professor) took on the heavyweight Paul ‘I coulda been a Fed Chair contender’ Krugman, and – in our humble opinion – wiped the floor with his Keynesian philosophy. From the medicinal use of more debt to fix too much debt, to the Japanization of world economies and the demand-side bias of every- and any-thing – interested only in the short-term economic growth; the gentlemanly Spaniard notes, with regard to the European crisis, the fact that “Keynesians got us into this mess and now we have to sacrifice our principals so that they can get us out of this mess”. Humble and generous in his praise – though definitively serious with his criticism – Schwartz opines: “Often Nobel prize winners are tempted to pontificate on matters that are outside the specialty in which they have excelled,” noting “the mantle of authority whereby what ever they say – whether sensible or not – is accepted with resignation from some and enthusiasm by others.” Krugman’s red-faced anger is evident at the conclusion as he even refused to shake Schwartz’s hand after the debate.

Zero Hedge graciously provides time markers in the video to see.   The one where Krugman has all of the aplomb of a 4th grader throwing a tantrum @ 48:20 is better than a beer.

One Response to “The Ultimate Paul Krugman Take-Down”

  1. pianogirl88 Says:

    I loved Krugman’s comment about some people not having the “intellectual understanding” to discuss such issues. I’m surprised Krugman would talk about himself that way!

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